Jhun Sang and Yoo Jin togheter

Welcome to my website, the only theme is the extraordianry Korean Dorama, Winter Sonata

Choi Ji Woo character

Yoo Jin on the bus, smiling and view across the window

Romantic Scene Capture Kiss

the surprise and tender kiss by Yoo Jin to Jhung Sang

the first and the last love

our love goes beyond any obstacle, and any barrier

The Final Kiss

Go beyond and evermore; Winter Sonata Love


Bienvenido al único sitio que tratara de manera temática, todo lo relacionado a este fabuloso Dorama, sus personajes, su historia, los actores, todos los capítulos para que lo veas cuantas veces quieras, vídeos muchos vídeos e imágenes támbien, imágenes animadas, detras de cámaras, momentos chistosos, la música para que la disfrutes cuando quieras, en fin, pasa y disfruta cuanto hay en esta pagina  =)

Welcome to the only site that were thematically everything about this fabulous Drama, 
characters, the story, the actors, all the chapters for you to see whenever you want, images, 
videos, many videos here about everything, Giff's images, behind the set, bloopers & funny moments, all the soundtrack, so you can enjoy anytime, anywhere, come in, enjoy all that is 
& much more on this page.

winter sonata only you

Winter Sonata - Only You - Piano & Violin version

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